Monday, July 2, 2012

Oops! And now for something...

If you don't know the rest of that quote, too  bad.

I thought the last post was a little dreary so lets try this...

Ever wake up in the middle of the night thinking about something you haven't thought about in, like, forever? Metaphorically speaking, of course.

And you can't get it out of your head?

When it's a person from the past, I take it that they need some prayer and i pray for them.  That usually works.

If it's something I did and its not a happy thought, I pray for forgiveness and too learn from the mistake.

That usually works.

The other day, I woke up in the middle of the night...


The other night, I woke up thinking about a hobby I used to enjoy.  Somethimg legal.  And I haven't  spent time enjoying that in quite a while.  And I still have all the stuff I needed to take up the hobby again.

It's a game, so you know more.  To be more descriptive is to wander away from the point.  If there actually is one but I'm enjoying the 'sound' of my own voice right now so...

But i don't have anyone to play the game with anymore.  Or the time.  And I'm not really sure I want to play that game anymore but I have boxes of the stuff...

And I couldn't get it out of my head.  And I didn't know what to do to get back to sleep.


And maybe this is the point...

I decided to divert my thoughts.  I got up grabbed the Bible and read for a little while.  That was when I was reading Proverbs.  I'm in Isaih right now with some quick forays into Revelation (no s at the end) and Acts...

The other day, I was noticing how much John's writing ability had advanced between the Gospel and the last book of the Bible.  I'm not saying that i think they were written by 2 different writers.  It just seems like Revelation flowed better and it is a far more complex book...

Its like some of the stuff in Genesis.  The people who put a pen to it did not know that the earth was round.  But some of the stuff they write makes more sense with that knowledge.  I'm not saying it was fasified.  The age of the documents proves otherwise.

In case you are wondering, I got back to sleep in about a half an hour...

I wanted to read more though...


Oops! Where does the time go?

So I was talking with a friend the other day and they said, You haven't Blogged lately.  I almost answered I didn't know anyone cared.

I'm not much, I have found, into narrating the events of my life. Not that I'm ashamed of what I do but that it never seems all that interesting to me...

I cleaned some more of the basement today and fished some mothballs out of the garden...


And my views on society always seem to leave tigers hiding in the bushes...

Hey, you just pulled directly into the outside lane while turning.  You hate that!  You're blog says so...

Or even views on public events.  Do we really need another person to say how upset they are that Ray Bradbury is gone or that school shootings are horrible?

I once did an opinion piece for a college writing class about how rabies is bad for pets.  Filled with facts and footnotes.  It was a thickly vieled opinion on how everyone else was choosing topics that no one would argue about.

And then I get sooo concerned about spelling mistakes and making it perfect cuz i don't want people to discount the opinions withing cuz I forgot to use spellcheck...

or capitalize my i's...

Sometimes, it seems to me that a blog is a one sided conversation and those who are the best at it might be the ones who like to hear themselves talk...

Thats not even an opinion.  That's a thought.

About opinions, I sometimes think they are about to become illegal.  Can't take the chance of hurting someones feelings.  They might charge me with harrasment or hate speech.

It's like road rage.  If you have ever read the road rage law?  If you accelerate or decelerate in reaction to another driver?  Does that mean that braking for the person who cuts you off so you don't hit them is road rage?

Well, this hole has gotten pretty deep.  Maybe I should climbout of it before the neighbors come over bearing pitchforks and torches...