Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time Of The Year...

Yeah, who am I kidding?

The psychology of what is rapidly becoming a broken holiday is mind numbing.  People complain about having to shop and having to get it done and how much they hate Christmas because it's all about presents and gifts. On and on about how it's all commercialized and etc.

I have never heard so many people in my more than 20 years of retail experience know what a problem is and not try to fix it.

And 'Thanksgiving is being swallowed by Christmas,' They complain

We let it by being led about by print ads and promises of better deals.  We are forgetting other things that go into the cost of a gift;




The next time we're standing outside a store at 11:45 Thanksgiving night in the freezing cold, we should ask ourselves 'Is this worth the money I am saving or would I rather be home, sleeping, and being well rested for a few bucks more?'

People say they don't like this time of year and yet they keep dancing to the drummer of commercialism because they wouldn't want to not get a ton of presents either.

Would that be so bad?  We watch the Grinch every year and we still don't get it.

Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store,
Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more...

I love Christmas.  I love the cold, the snow, and the sound of sleighbells.  I love being with my family on Christmas morning, that sparkle they get when they open a present and they realize you love them and have been listening.

I am also the person, if you ask me what I want for Christmas, I have trouble coming up with ideas.

I have a roof over my head and a warm family.  I have happiness and peace.

And I have the greatest gift of all, Christ in my heart.

Sure, I'm not perfect.  I make mistakes and I don't always act as I should.

But God loved me so much that he had a baby born in a manger to pay the price for me and for all of us.

So when the sun is rising on Christmas morning, whether over fields of white or green, realize that you can never give or get enough presents to outdo the one God has already given you.

All those objections are just excuses because it can't be that easy.

All those hard feelings are just mistakes because too human people took matters into their own hands and have said stuff that turns you away.

Get back to the core of it.

What do I want for Christmas?

Love.  Oh, wait. All ready got that...


And Have A Nice Christmas, too...