Sunday, February 26, 2012

So...I'm driving...

My brother as been Blogging about driving...

What would Jesus drive?

Blogging.  Doesn't that sound like something from an old monster movie or something?

Picture Spock looking into his periscope saying, "The Blog is growing but these readings still don't make sense. What do you think Bones?"

"Dammit, Spock! I'm a doctor not a Blogger!"

Oops. off subject again. Silly me!

So my brother has been blogging about driving which is weird because I was once thinking of writing articles about driving and how driving is like life which is where 'What would Jesus Drive?' comes from...

Because I didn't think of Blogging but someone else obviously did so I have all this stuff in my head that I can Blog...

That's just funny right there.  Like it was all planned or something...

OK, on topic;

The biggest pet peeve of drivers was found, by someone who was paid too much money to figure it out, to be not using turn signals.  And we still don't use them.

Is that because we're too lazy or we don't want people to know where we are going?  People don't think turn signals are important until they almost get hit or they sit at a green light for too long because the other person is waiting for them to go straight so I can turn left...

I means it only takes a couple fingers to hit that turn signal on.  If your hands wweren't tied up with that cell phone, McDonald's coffee, cigarette and talking...

You've never seen someone gesticulate while they talk on a cell while driving? That's good times right there...

I find, when I pull up to a light in the turn lane with my turn signal on, just about everyone else suddenly turns theirs on.  Maybe they just need to be reminded to use it.  Their lives are so busy and hectic that things escape them.  I forget everyonce in a while and I become the guy who notices the turn signal infront of me and turns mine on.

I'm not perfect neither.  But I know the inherent(?) safety of using my turn signals to warn others that I'm going to be turning and slowing down, hopefully, to accompany the action.  So I don't get rear ended.

That's another funny story.  But I think I've rambled enough on this one.

Final thought; are the people who don't use their turn signals on a regular basis as directionless as they seem to be as drivers? Do they not really know where they are going?  Are they making it up as they drive instead of mentally plotting their course for the journey or day ahead.  Don't take the drive for granted.  Some destinations can only be reached by careful planning and your turn signal should be on to tell people where you are going and you know what you are doing...

Always thank God when you reach your destination safely, I say.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oops! Almost forgot to name the blamed thing...

Learning experience time. Let's see if the curve is still there.  So I'm not on Facebook right now but have been thrown into another spatial dimension of the WWW just because I read a blog and filled out a form and now I am the sole defender and protector of this little piece of heaven which will remain blank if I don't fill it or someone else never finds it but since this place is infinite, it is unlikely that someone else will find it unless I continue to fill the white emptiness with words.

Shouting isn't allowed  I geuss...

That's the part of writing, blogging, painting (which I don't do) and such that's cool.  You start with nothing.  Just a sheet (screen, etc) of white which you can fill.  I'm kinda using the vomit approach right now as I just pour my head into space.  No real structure.

Kinda like creation.  God started with a blank universe of nothing one day and started writing.  If you write, or draw, or paint (ET al) you have an idea how its all going to turn out and you just work on the creation until it meets the idea.

Imagine writing a sentance by placing each dot on the paper to create letters to create words...

I think that's it for now.  The bucket is empty.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In the Starting...

So, I read my brother's BLOG and FaceBook let me start one so I said "what the heck" and started one.  Not that I really said that outloud because that wouldn't be right as Emily is relaxing on the couch and that would disturb her and I'm disturbing enough.
So, I wondered how people got their ideas for Blogs since it's supposed to be such a big dealig and everyone seems to have one and, since I'm american, I wanted one too but I wasn't sure what I would Blog about or even what i would cal the thin since it asked for a name so I went for one of my super secret inside jokes to see if anyone would ever figure it out. Since there's like a billyun people on this thing and all the good ideas have already been done, it probabl won't take too lon.
And then I realized how cool it was to have a Blog named HAND on Facebook...

Syill don't know what to Blog about...

Maybe next time we'll discuss WWJD where D is Drive...