Friday, March 2, 2012

Back to driving...

So now people are inverting traffic law.  I have seen more people pull into the far lane when turning right or left than ever before, usually speeding up afterward so that someone who turns onto a multi-lane road cannot pull into their desired lane first.  Even if I have my turn signal on.

Is this a desire to just automatically pass the person in front of you?  Is it a racecar mentality?  Have they thought through how dangerous this practice is?

I don't know how many turners I have almost hit, and have upset, because I turn into the closer lane as they try to turn, from the opposite direction, into their far lane or the one I am going for.  And then they get mad at me for turning at the same time as they did

I am all for courtesy, although I don't really fully agree with Ms. Manners idea of slowing for people who intentionally pull into a merging lane to jump ahead of traffic by hitting a high speed, but where is their courtesy?  I'm all for letting people merge into traffic or turn out of lots before me but not when they've put themselves in the situation on purpose due to impatience. I do let them in because I don't fully agree with having an accident.  And they know this...

That's borrowed stress.  There is enough stress in life without creating more by trying to pass one more person.  De-stress, follow the rules. 

That's the other part of this that is becoming apparent.  I think some people are doing it just because it's against the rules. 

It's like the story I heard once, or joke, of a guy driving his friend to work.  He sails right through a red light.  Doesn't even slow down.

The friend freaks out! "Aren't you afraid of getting hit?"

"No," the driver sighs.  "My brother does it all the time."

They skid around a corner through another red light!

"That is so dangerous! And illegal!"

"Don't worry about it," the driver says.  "My brother does it all the time."

They roar up the street and the driver slams on his brakes and stops at the intersection.  The friend looks around to see why.

"What are you doing?" the passenger says.  "The light is green."

"I know," the driver says.  "Just checking for my brother."

By the way.  As far as I know.  My brother doesn't drive like that.


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