Monday, October 28, 2013

Autumnal is one of my favorite words...

The leaves are changing and have moved beyond the colorful stage to something more dreary and dull.  They will fall to make way for spring flowers and greenery but first the trees become dormant and hibernate for the winter.

Could you imagine what the world would be like if humans hibernated for the winter.  I guess college students do.  They get like a month off between semesters.  i expect my daughter will curl up on the couch with her laptop and Nook and hot cocoa.  She loves my Keurig.

But now is the time to make sure summer is put away.  Just stored all the deck furniture, including the firepit, in the shed.  And all the memories of good times with a beer and the stars and a fire burning for Smores...

And filling up all the room I made in the shed this year so it all fit with out looking like a storage unit from Storage Wars.

I prefer Sam Adams lager while I sit on my deck grilling and making Smores.  If you haven't tried Smores with Reese's instead  of just chocolate, you are missing out.

Next the trampoline comes down to truly fully signal the end of summer and the expectation of winter.

I love winter.  I love fall.  I can't imagine living in a place without 4 seasons, and i have a pretty good imagination.

But there are still good times ahead.  Just had dinner with my Sister and Brother in law and my parents. Very good time, and I haven't spent that long after dinner in a restaurant just chatting since... the last time I went to Olive Garden.  The Sam Adams Octoberfest was very tasty too.

And fall is the beginning of Cub Scouts.  My son is a Bear this year which has got to be one of the most fun years yet.

Life is what you make of it.  You can remember the good byes or the the good times leading up to them and the promise of Hellos in the future.


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