Monday, October 21, 2013

It's Over Before You Know It...

The fall colors have dimmed passed the spectacular stage.  I missed them at their  height as well.  Autumn always seems to be like that; overnight it seems the leaves go from green to to dreary oranges and I've missed the bright natural kaleidoscope that God created. Life has been moving too fast between an ever changing work schedule made more complex by co workers out for various reasons from simple vacations to the beginnings of life.

Suddenly, the Weather Channel is reporting snow in various places and the nights are dipping into the 30's.  More frost, soon snow. I like snow but Autumn is over and I never got to experience it...

My friends invited me to stop by and spend some time with them some Saturday night like we used to.  I usually close on Saturdays or open early on Sundays.  It has been about 6 months since i have spent time with them. Sometimes I'm surprised they still want to see me...

My daughter is almost done with her first semester of college/first half of her senior year.  She volunteers at a spook house on the week ends but since it runs past 9, she can't drive to it.

Cub Scouts has started and I'm the leader of my son's Bear den.  We went to Iron Kettle farms this weekend.  I had a bracelet allowing me into all the events but I used it to keep an eye on my charges. At lunch, the bears separate into their families again and I got to share lunch with Em and Jake in the back of my truck as the sky got darker, the breeze became a chill wind, and two trucks collided on the road.  We left after lunch and I realized during the hour drive home that I hadn't gotten to play with my kids.  I spent so much time watching and supervising...

I offered to go elsewhere with them on the way home but we were so tired and Em had the spook house to go to...

My brother and sister are at my parents from out of town for a week or so.  I put in for time off to see them but we are short managers at work right now so it was denied...

My Uncle died over the weekend.  I always thought I would see him again.  My father is officiating the service.  I would like to be there but work and kids and I work a middle schedule all week. He used to come into the Sam's Club where i work from time to time and we'd catch up a little.  He was always smiling.

Time to get ready for work soon.

Time to do that thing I don't like doing.  Giving advice that I can't seem to take;

Find the time to spend with those around you.  Make memories.  Have fun.  Don't try to sleep with regret.

Because, well, read the title again...


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