Monday, October 22, 2012

Hello! I'm talking to you!!

I finally figured it out yesterday.

I had heard tons of reports and commentary about texting, most of which i can't remember except the whole keep the phone a foot from your head...

You know about that, right?

Anyway, the problem I have with texting...

I text a ton.  i'm not as bad as my 16 year old daughter but between work, friends (from work), and family I get the amount up there. 

The problem... this is why people don't like my blog.  i can't stay on topic...

And that's the point.  Kinda.

Conversation is immediate.  Conversation is reactive.  When you are talking to someone there is also body language and tone of voice...

The average length of time between statement and response is 3 - 5 minutes. i'm at work and text my boss about an issue at work.  5 to 10 minutes is a long time to wait for a resolution.  Usually it becomes like a test answer if his response matches what I did.

And, in a text-ual conversation, people will often just not repoind to statements they don't want to address.  Kinda like a political debate.

Or they just never answer.  I didn't get the text or I was busy or I must have accidentally erased it.

And then there are the people who get upset if you don't answer right away.  Like, I'm driving or at work busy. Give me a break. 

They are also the people who just never get back to you when you check on them and then are mad when you run into them in the grocery store.

That's like me saying something to you and you walking away and the next time we talk you get mad at me for not saying good bye the last time.

And saying goodbye has gone away too.  My daughter doesn't say goodbye to her friends when she talks to them on the phone.  When she calls them.  I have seen her text a friend who is on the other side of the car.

Now I;m telling us to bell the cat here.  I mean, what can we do?   I geuss we need to work on conversational closings so you know that the conversation is over.  And maybe coloring the messages would help with tone of voice.

Or maybe some courtesy instead of just never answering.  Apologize later. Tell what happened.  It's ok if you can't answer back right away.  If you need an instant answer or a conversation, dial the phone.

If I am too busy or driving, I won't answer.  or I will answer and explain that now isn't a good time.

Just some thoughts.  I still prefer face to face conversation...

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