Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I tried not too... Belling the Cat...

Y'know that guy at work who does stuff he shouldn't or does, basically, nothing but escapes notice by pointing out the flaws of his co-workers?

Would you vote him in as President?

Or the person who uses the work of others as their own accomplishments?

Or just points out what a bad job someone else is doing and says that if they had that job, they could do better?

I don't know when the last time I went to a job interview and tried to get the job by making the other applicants look like they aren't a good choice so hire me...

Name calling? Funny quips?  Fact distortion?

Is this a presidential election or the 5th grade?

A few  thoughts, correct me if I'm wrong with constructive criticism...

One of Barak O'bama's running points before was ending the war by bringing our boys home.  The hint was that the mission would not be completed and I thought thats what people voted for. 

Now the mission is complete and our President is taking the credit.  yes, he has to ok the operation but aren't we glossing over the fact of all those soldiers and intelligence workers putting the thing together until it was handed to the President, whoever it was?  What would be the response if such had happened and the go ahead had not been given?  After all this time and energy and lives spent?

Point of order; it has been hinted that there were times in the past that the problem may have been handled pre 911 but the President at the time did not give the go ahead.

So, unless there had been a total withdrawal, wouldn't the mission have happened no matter who was President?

The war had started before he took office so he can't be blamed/ hailed for that.  This was the culmination of the work begun then...right or wrong. 

But I'm not sure what the other guy will do and the waffling and softening of position has begun to please the... contributers?

A sociology professor of mine once said that maybe there should be a 'None of the Above' button in the toll booth so that people wouldn't have to split along party lines or try to vote in a 3rd party canidate who, frankly, doesn't stand a chance in our media driven culture.

And maybe if None of the Above got the most votes then the 2 VP canidates would have to lead the country together until more suitable canidates could be found instead of the two guys with the deepest pockets and the most friends. 

We're not voting for the Prom Queen here, people.

I'm finding it easier and more satisfying to be non-partisan now than ever before.  Unfortunately, the way things are, this is a two person race.  the guy who's been doing the job and the guy who wants to do the job.

And, in my mind, they are spending tons of money calling each other names when we have an economy that is hindered partially by our countries ever increasing debt.  There's something to spend the money on.

Can someone give me a percentage of the debt that could have been paid off by the amount of money spent on the election include dinners and fundraisers?

I'm an assistant manager and I have closed and re-opened a position because no one who has applied was qualified.

I have also hired the wrong person before.

So, in conclusion,

Go out and vote, it's our right and duty.  Just, please, vote with your head and not with what others tell you to do or what you've always done in the past.

And don't get your hair stuck in the polling levers...


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