Thursday, March 7, 2013

Driving Me Crazy, I Tell You!!

I've been keeping track of something when I'm filling the car with gas because it seems like it not only costs more for gas but it takes longer to fill the tank but I guess that's a product of the cost of gas because the pumps fill based on the price not on the amount you get.
Does that make sense?  I mean, if your getting 8 gallons, it should dispense at the same rate irregardless of how much you're paying for it, right?  Does it take McDonald's longer to make the same burger if they raise the price for it? A bottle of beer is a bottle of beer and the rate at which you can empty it isn't governed by the price of that bottle but by the activity...
And sometimes how many you have already emptied but that's not the point.
The length of time it takes to fill my tank, or your tank, isn't the point either.  I know we usually fill the tank to a monetary amount but I use approximately the same amount every time.
And what is it with the pump slowing down as if gets 50 cents away from the end anyway?  Is the gas pump afraid its going to dispense too much so it has to slow down?
Anyway, back to the point, so I'm spending what feel is like half an hour putting $30 in my tank, yes, I wait too long between fill ups but that's a blog for another day that will probably never get here, and since the process is almost completely automated, my mind notices things and, when given the opportunity, compares trends.
God given talent that, trend comparison and efficiency analysis.  I'm no expert but I notice things..
So why is the price of the medium grade gas more cheaper, I did that on purpose, when the lowest grade is cheaper than when it's considered high.  I consider it high all the time right now partially because I remember when it was less than a buck and people threw a fit then when it went up.  I think I dimly remember it being 25 cents a gallon but that doesn't seem possible anymore.  And I'm not complaining about the natural inflation of goods and services.  I mean, have you had your shoes polished lately?
Me neither,
Back to the point...
So sometimes, the medium grade is only 10 cents higher than the lower grade and sometimes, like now, its 25 to 30 cents more.  Is this to offset charging less for the lower grade than they should?  So why don't they do that all the time?
Is it because the medium grade goes up proportionally to the price of gas?  Doubling or tripling the gap over 50 cents is a huge ratio and, if you follow the progression down, there would come a  point where the medium grade would be like a penny more.
It's not making sense.  But I bet it makes cents.  Actually $'s.  The cost of gas is supposedly where it is by gas stations because they have to charge so much or a certain amount, right?  I find it eerie when all the gas stations in town have exactly the same price for gas.  So much for competition...
So why can the medium grade fluctuate so much in price comparatively?
As I said,  doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe it has to do with the amount of people who buy medium grade and making extra money off them.  Wouldn't that tick you off?  Being extra gouged for using a better product in your car than you are already being gouged for?
I'm not a gas expert, no matter what my kids say, but there's something not right there...

I'm just saying...


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