Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Aaaah! Autumn!

There's a couple reasons I love where I live.  I know taxes aren't great and the town is strange but I love New York seasons.  I love all four but, to be honest, Summer is my least favorite.  Hot days make me a lethargic.  Humid days are just plain uncomfortable and hard to handle, especially with a wife and child with asthma problems.  I do enjoy the golden sunlight and the outdoor activities but the threat of sunburn, Jake got burned twice this year and he had sunscreen put on both times.  Re-appliction was the issue and once was at park program, and heat exhaustion, Jake and Steph fell prey to that this year as well, take some of the joy out of it.  I don't like looking out the window at a bright sunny day but knowing that we can't go out to play because of the heat index.
Then again, I'm a precipitation freak.  And I love to watch the leaves turn colors in the fall.  Just like I love to watch the barren branches start to green with buds in the Spring.  And then, suddenly, there are leaves and flowers.  And, yes, pollen.
Sometimes I think I like Winter because most people don't.  Invariably, when I tell people I like winter, I am told that I must ski.
Nope. Never have.  Don't foreesee it happening either.
The long, cold darkness, as someone called it recently.
I find sunny days in the winter after a good snow to be brilliant!  All that white is so beautiful and refreshing!  It's like a purification! And I still like snow angels!
I don't mind the driving as much in the winter either, having grown up in the country on back roads.  I've been in ditches and skidded out.  My mom once did a 360 in the car she was driving me to school in.
I love seasonal changes.  I get bored of the same thing all the time.  Days of heat that seem to wilt us worse as they continue.  Everyone says they love it but they get more irritable as the heatwave continues.  Tempers flare and I find myself in 'discussions' with people anout the cruelty of dying plants on the sales floor or why are we biased against Macadamia nuts.  We carry all other sorts.
I love rain.  I love wind.  I love snow!  It's beautiful.  I love to look at ssingle flakes on a windshield.  I love the patterns of frost as the coat the world.
Dew is cool as well.  I enjoy fog.
Seasons of the planet are like seasons of life.  You can either sit there and complain about what its like outside or you can enjoy it!  Find the good in it!  I also like winter because I don't have to mow the lawn! 
And, as I always say, its more fun to warm up with someone you love than to cool down!


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