Friday, September 7, 2012

Random Thoughts!

Like I really have anything else...

Does it bother anyone else that the Democratic Convenition acronym is DNC? I geuss if your a Democrat it doesn't. Actually it does, I heard it called the DNCC on the news yesterday.

Just so you know, I'm a registered Nothing.  Not an Independent.  I am a registered voter.  I know that means I can't vote in Primaries but when was the last time that mattered.  Bob can tell me I'm sure! LOL!

I actually think a lot of the problem with the country night now is the 2 party system and the liabilities that come with it.

I'm gonna get Comments now...

We rented the original Pink Panther 2 last night, still very funny, and I pointed out that the credits came at the beginning of the movies back then.  Now they put hidden scenes at the ends of the credits so you'll sit through them.  I usually sit theough the credits because I want to take note of all the people who have worked hard on a movie.  i'm probably one of the few who can recognize several composers by their movie scores.

I hear Billy Joel is supposed to write Classical music.  Maybe he should do some movie scores.

I still can't get over how half-starved looking women are supposed to be attractive.  Wasn't it Julius Ceaser who said he would rather have well fed friends as they are satisfied and less likely to stab you in the back?

Have you seen the ads for the new tv show where there is no power so people have to use crossbow and such to defend themselves?  I didn't know handguns needed electricity.  My daughter pointed out that it takes electricity to make ammo. I informed her that guns existed prior to electricity.  Well, captured electricity.

Which reminds me of one of my favorite lines from a great movie.

'They used to say a demon lived past the speed of sound.'

The Right Stuff.  With Neil's passing, now would be a great time to go rent that.

Micheal Duncan Clark died Monday morning.  We have had a slew of great actors and writers leave us.  I revere MDC because a person of his physical dimensions you would think would only be an action movie star.  He was very talented.  His roll in Armageddon is my favorite.  I used to sing the theme song from that movie as a lullaby for Emily.

And anyone who has heard my singing knows that I shouldn't sing lullabies.

Another of my favorite songs, and now Emily's too because we taught her to listen to the words, is Time After Time by Ms. Lauper.  I still remember the first time Emily got to see Cyndi Lauper in a video.  She was amazed by her looks. 

Remember when you didn't have to be attractive to sing well?  Or need a synthesizer? And bands played their own music?

And you didn't have to be attractive to be a great actor or national leader?

They say Kennedy won a presifdsential election partially because of the first televised debates...

I geuss those thoughts weren't so random after all...

1 comment:

  1. How can Billy Joel write classical music. He's still alive and this isn't the 17th century. Maybe classical-style music? Lol
