Monday, September 3, 2012

Ok, so I don't post much...

And I don't always edit my work after typing. So there...

Probably less people reading this today cuz I've missed more birthdays and lost track of some more friends.  You get in the grind of going to work, playing with the kids, doing stuff around the house, finding time to eat or sleep, maybe get some time alone, spend time with a relative (which was a very nice afternoon and change of pace)

And sometimes I get annoyed by people who lack the creativity and desire to get back to you somehow.  My old friends from long ago...

back when the orcs ranged the hillsides and undead would sprout from the ground like campaign promises,

...know where I am and how to get in touch with me. I know I haven't called them lately but they haven't called me either...

And I have tried to be available to people.  I have invited folx from work to my new house but they are as busy as I am... I geuss...

So I texted a friend during the bad storm, ie TORNADO, we had here a couple weeks ago to see if they were ok and how they were doing... and I still don't know.  I suspect they are in Oz although their house is still standing and they still go to work...

So I don't know if I lost track of more friends or if they are just hiding from me.  Maybe they are like ninja friends, lurking in the bushes until the appropriate, or inappropriate, time to appear...

Do you ever think about how much life is NOT like TV and the movies?

I have yet to have an ex wander back into my life and say, "How's it going?" Maybe its me. Once you get to know me, You don't mind me not being there!

I Yam what I yam


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